Pastor Paul shares the vision for Hillcrest Baptist Church for this year (2020) with the theme entitled: Unto Him. This is part 1 of this two-part message.
Pastor Paul shares the vision for Hillcrest Baptist Church for this year (2020) with the theme entitled: Unto Him. This is part 1 of this two-part message.
We find here the true meaning of Christmas, a fulfillment of an Old Testament prophecy in the New Testament of a Savior being born.
Throughout human history, people have placed much of their hope and confidence that life would become better if they had the right “ruler” or “leader” governing their country.
The prophecies of the New Testament has been fulfilled by the Old Testament.
Throughout the Bible, it is commanded that everything within God’s creation is to praise the Lord.
It is the natural tendency of mankind, that if left unheeded, our hearts will become more and more ungrateful over time. This morning, as we study this event in Ezra…
We live in a country today that is one of the most affluent, powerful, and blessed nations in the world and yet there is a constant rise in the number…
We live in a world today that is desperately seeking for genuine happiness and lasting joy. Here are a few thoughts this morning, concerning joy in trusting Jesus as we study this…