Ever since the beginning of time, God’s plan and desire has been that mankind would ​live ​and grow n​ ot ​in ​isolation ​but in ​fellowship ​with one another.

A Discipling Church

January 19, 2020
It has often been said that the ​mission ​of the New Testament local Church is the ​Great Commission. One of the important aspects of this command is to "make disciples".

Unto Him (Part 2)

January 5, 2020
Pastor Paul shares the vision for Hillcrest Baptist Church for this year (2020) with the theme entitled: Unto Him. This is part 1 of this two-part message.

Unto Him (Part 1)

January 5, 2020
Pastor Paul shares the vision for Hillcrest Baptist Church for this year (2020) with the theme entitled: Unto Him. This is part 1 of this two-part message.
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